The Era Gold V MM phono preamp is a favourite of reviewer Michael Fremer (Stereophile magazine, USA). The only phono preamp in his "Over and Under" $100 Stocking Stuffers From! feature - in it he says... "This Graham Slee is a superb and special sounding MM phono preamp. Later you could add a step-up transformer if you’re going to a moving coil cartridge. For now why not get more from your MM, high-output moving coil or moving iron cartridge?" We couldn't have put it better, and for the step-up transformer, what better than our Elevator EXP? Era Gold V rear panel Era Gold V Designed for moving magnet, moving iron and high output moving coil cartridges, the Era Gold V MM phono
stage was our very first "ultra-linear" design.
Phono connectors: Heavy Gold Plated Input sensitivity: 2mV - 9mV Gain: 42dB Input impedance: 47k and 100pFOutput: 240mV - 1.08V Headroom: 26dB ref 2mV input Output noise: 'A' wtd. -75dB Distortion: less than 0.02% Frequency response: 10Hz - 2.7MHz Reproduction curve: RIAA with 50kHz EQ Dimensions (HWD): 2"x7"x4.5" Shipping Weight: 5.0 lbs